About Brad
I love the Bible, pastors, young leaders, the local church, adoption, and my banjo, Beulah. I have almost 30 years of experience as a pastor, and over 137 years of experience as a dad to 10 kids.
I believe the local church is the hope of the world and my life’s mission is to advance the gospel by serving the church and developing its leaders. My partner in this adventure is my wife, Lisa, who plays a huge role in helping me become who God designed me to be.
I grew up in Pueblo, Colorado, where I met and married my high school sweetheart. Together Lisa and I traded the dream of the picket fence for the adventure of following and serving Jesus, and it’s been a crazy ride. We have 10 children (3 biological and 7 adopted); the first was born in 1989, and the last in 2011. I like to say I have children by eight different women. Lisa doesn’t think it’s funny.
I have served the local church in full-time ministry since 1989, pastoring two churches during that time (in Chattanooga, Tennessee and Walla Walla, Washington). I have a Doctor of Ministry and Master of Sacred Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, and am currently serving online as adjunct faculty at Western Seminary and a teaching assistant at Dallas Theological Seminary.
Life Vision
What gets me out of bed every day is my desire is to advance the gospel by teaching truth, making disciples and growing leaders. My life vision comes from Philippians 1:21-22, “To live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me.” I’m no Apostle Paul, but as long as I have life, I want to invest it in fruitful labor for the gospel. I want to live that out every day, and fulfilling that vision is my wildest dream. Lisa’s wildest dream is to adopt 50 kids and run an orphanage in India. I think mine sounds easier.